A Hobby of decades which became a business – ‘Bat Cave Cards’ began in April 2020, at the beginning of the Pandemic Lockdown, when a neighbour (from a safe distance!!) joked about making a stick figure drawing on a card & posted to a friend, as the card shops were closed – I said she could have asked me, as she knew I made cards for family birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas etc – at this point she said, ‘You Should Sell them……. ‘ and as they say ‘the rest is history’!
The name ‘Bat Cave Cards‘ came about, as the room where my crafting takes place was called a Study on our home extension plans, my husband & I couldn’t decide what to call it, as it really was never going to be a study!, my Late Mother-in-Law jokingly referred to it as the Bat Cave, and the name stuck! ….
I make personised handmade cards and I’m more than happy to accept a challenge for ‘Something’ a little different – please just ask.